Do you want to know what that miracle dating technique is that every guy has been talking about recently? Well, the good news is that it exists and is called fractionation. This technique is what master seducers the world over use to get their dream girls, no matter what they look like or how little money they have.
Do you want to learn this technique? Great. Fractionation is actual very easy to learn and once you know it, you can start using it to improve your game with girls right away. However, you do need to know that this technique can bring about a lot of harm, too, so make sure you use it with the utmost responsibility. Having said that, you can now keep reading to find out how you can put fractionation to use to seduce girls quickly whenever you want to.
In a nutshell, fractionation refers to a technique that uses hypnotic conversational techniques to influence girls to like a guy. If used the right way, you can actually influence a girl to like you and make yourself seem irresistible in her eyes. She might not know why she can’t resist you at the time, but she will definitely be drawn to you just because of the way that you talk.

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There are two stages when it comes to fractionation. Stage one involves making a girl feel happy whenever she is around you and stage two involves making her feel sad whenever she isn’t around you. This will result in emotional addiction on her part once you get her to associate pleasure with your presence and pain with your absence, as well as an emotional connection that is very important if you want her to get to like you.
In order for fractionation to work, though, you will have to follow three steps instead of just two.
- Get your dream girl to talk about some of her happiest memories. Try to get her to do this in extreme detail, too, so that every memory that she mentions appears vividly in her mind.
- Do the same thing, but talk about some of her saddest memories instead.
- Alternate the aforementioned steps, so that she can experience both emotions at their extremes with you. The more familiar she gets with you, the more she will feel like she has to spend more time with you and the easier it will be for her to fall for you completely.
The ultimate key to make this technique work, though, would e to make a girl feel enchanted with you as quickly as possible. This will ensure that she becomes emotionally attached to you right away and won’t be able to help but follow your orders. If this works out well, everything should disappear from the foreground and she should become captivated by you and your words. This is a guaranteed seduction technique that has been used for many years.
Master hypnotists have actually subtly used fractionation for years to get people to do what they want. It isn’t until recently, however, that it has been modified for use in the world of seduction and dating. Now, you can use it to get killer results with girls yourself!