How Narcissists, Psychopaths And The Machiavellian Manipulate And Control Women
Hmm, OK, it doesn’t exactly sound like a cheery headline.
All that talk of darkness, psychopaths, manipulation, etc. Talking about dominating and controlling women is bound to ruffle the feathers of the politically correct brigade.
But, hey, we’re not here to be PC. We’re here to get results when it comes to seducing women.
And we don’t care if that makes us seem like “chauvinistic pigs.”
We know different. We know that the techniques talked about here can lead to happy relationships and make for harmonious homes.
But you have to use some pretty dark shit to get to that position.
So, if you haven’t clicked away yet, then I assume you’re interested in hearing some more.
Good, you’re in for a treat!
Let’s begin with a few questions:
- Is your relationship deteriorating with time?
- Do you feel trapped and pushed into a corner by your wife or girlfriend?
- Is your partner starting to become petty, irritable and ungrateful for all the hard work you do?
- Were you born to be a leader, but feel like you can’t be one in your own home?
- Do you feel like you’re at your wit’s end?
If you nodded to any of the above, you’re in the right place.
Luckily, I have the solution for you.
And it comes in the form of the Dark Triad…
…a set of techniques, derived from the personalities of narcissistic, Machiavellian and psychopathic people.
They are a source of great power when used properly and will allow you to dominate and control every part of a woman’s life.
This isn’t kindergarten stuff we’re talking about here. This is serious stuff.
You’re going to be playing with fire, so you need to be well-prepared.
So, put away any lame dating books you may have, unsubscribe from waste-of-time-and-energy pickup blogs, and get with the Dark Triad program because this stuff works.
You won’t find this mentioned in many other blogs, mainly because they are too shit-scared of the militant feminists taking them to task…
… Well, I really don’t care. So, come on sugar-tits, bring it on!
I’m here to help all the fellas out there who are struggling. I’m here to teach you seduction. Real seduction, not the namby-pamby variety that is promoted these days.
Are You Getting Pussy Whipped?
Don’t let her pussy-whip you any longer…
Signs that you may be pussy-whipped:
- She makes all the decisions, including those personal to you
- She orders you around like a slave, and you’re expected to jump to attention
- She won’t allow you to question her decisions or orders; you feel forced to comply
- She expects you to make her happy all the time
- You believe that your role is to attend to her happiness, she’s more important than you
- She uses manipulative behavior to get what she wants
- She wears the pants – ALL of the time
If you can relate to any of those signs above, then you need to do something to take back control.
You’ve been emasculated. She’s got you by the balls and she ain’t letting go!
The natural order of things has been reversed. You’re no longer the pack leader, she is.
It’s time to fix things. And quick, because if this has become the norm, it’s only a matter of time before things implode.
So, how can you fix it?
Simple. Read the rest of this guide. I’ll teach you a way to win over your woman, make her infatuated with you again and eager to please. As well as adoration, you’ll get compliance, gratitude, and respect.
The secrets of the Dark Triad are your best bet if you want to keep hold of your woman.
How To Be Completely Shit With Women
A recipe for relationship disaster…
If you’re anything like the majority of men these days, you’ve probably been brainwashed into thinking the following things make for a good relationship:
- Constantly trying to please your wife/girlfriend
- Making decisions together
- Not offending each other
- Being there at each other’s beck and call
- Creating an equal relationship
On the face of it, these seem like good intentions, don’t they?
They seem much better than the old-fashioned “sexist” ways of last century:
- The man took the lead and made the decisions…
- … and his dutiful wife lovingly followed.
It just all seems so much fairer, so much more compassionate and loving.
So, how can you explain the fact that divorce rates have skyrocketed in recent years since men have taken on this “equal” role? Divorce rates are over 50% now, more than 5 times the amount 70 years ago.
As the old saying goes, ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions.’
Let’s leave those good intentions behind and look for another way. A way that won’t fuck up your relationship.
In fact, it will have the opposite effect.
Just think about it for a moment.
We are programmed (by evolution) to live in male-dominated families and societies.
Cave-men didn’t clean the cave or wash the loincloths.
Hunter-gatherers wouldn’t have put on an apron and joined their wives at the stove.
Stone-age men wouldn’t have let women pick up the axes, weapons, and tools they had spent hours hand-crafting.
Warriors of old would have told their wives straight if they weren’t doing their duties. They had no fear of ‘offending’ them.
And guess what?
People back then were happier. People who live in countries where male led relationships are still the norm are happier. Everyone is happier when men rule the roost. It’s a fact.
Gender roles should be stuck to. Men and women aren’t the same.
Men are born to be leaders; women are born to be followers.
Social Justice Warriors Can Piss Off
I can just picture feminists frothing at the mouth right now!
‘Men are leaders, women are followers, who does he think he is? Sexist bastard. He should be strung up and have his balls removed with a rusty blade..’ etc., etc.
But they are denying reality. If male led relationships are such a bad thing, why does all the evidence point to the fact they work so much better, for both sexes?
They will look at you dumbfounded. Their anger will increase. They’ll shout and scream and call you a sexist pig. The reason they do all that?
They have no answers…
…and deep down they know it’s true.
They can feel that calling to submit to a man. It’s hardwired to a woman’s psyche. It’s an instinctive urge. They just choose to drown it out under a load of noise.
So let’s put all the political correctness aside, let’s forget any nonsense about equality and let’s face up to the fact that leading your woman will be good for everybody. Even the ‘femi-nazis’ if they can overcome their prejudice!
Dark Triad Personality Traits 101
So, here it is. An introduction to the Dark Triad. The secrets of what works to seduce women. The Dark Triad involves borrowing certain personality traits from 3 types of personalities:
- Narcissists – an inflated ego or regard for oneself.
- Machiavellians – manipulating and using others to your own way
- Psychopathy – a complete lack of compassion and empathy for others.
Wow. OK, these sound like obnoxious personality types, right? Maybe not the kind of person you would want to become?
The good news is you don’t have to actually become any of these to be a winner in the dating game. We just want to borrow some of their traits to seduce women…
…because people with these personality types are master-seducers. They easily attract, captivate and dominate women.
Men with these traits are often highly charismatic. In fact, they often command positions of authority or acclaim in society.
For instance, many celebrities are narcissists. The majority of Hollywood stars probably fall into this category and have legions of devoted female fans to prove it.
Many politicians and world leaders are either narcissists or Machiavellian types.
Some of the most successful business people and entrepreneurs show psychopathic traits.
And it’s definitely true that male celebrities, politicians and successful businessmen get more than their fair share of women.
So, there’s a lesson to be learned here.
Men that naturally display, or have nurtured, Dark Triad personality traits are more successful with women than those that don’t.
OK, with all that in mind, the next step is to look at some of these techniques that are going to make women weak at the knees in your masterly presence…
The Secrets of Dark Triad Seduction
Secret 1: Gaslighting
This is a technique that will get her questioning herself and her sanity.
You need to be deceitful for this to work. Start by telling your girlfriend or wife that she must have bumped the car as there’s a big dent in it.
She may protest her innocence but stick to your guns. She’ll think there’s no way you could be lying, as what would be the point? She’ll begin to doubt herself and finally even admit that maybe she did it.
At this point you jump in and say something like “Ok, you’re obviously not a safe driver, especially if you didn’t even know you did it. You need to stop driving my car. Give me your key.”
This is covert manipulation at its best. You’ve just made sure she can’t go anywhere without you know. You’re beginning to control her movements, just part of the main aim of controlling her completely.
Next up, let’s remove some more of her freedom. Tell her that you’ve been checking over the account and she spent a big chunk of money on a high-interest credit card. Accuse her of spending it on something.
Again, she’ll probably protest, “I didn’t spend a large amount of money. When was this?”
Just be vague, “You must have spent it, as I certainly didn’t. It was a while back. You did spend it, but you’ve just forgotten. Wow, you’re bad with money.”
Now’s the time to jump in and take away her credit cards. Block access to any joint accounts you have and take control of all the finances. Tell her you’ll give her an allowance, then reduce it gradually to nothing.
She’ll then have to beg you for money if she wants something. This is what you want. You want her to be in a position of inferiority, allowing you to dominate her.
You may be thinking, this isn’t right. I can’t lie to her like that.
Just remember the end goal. This is all in her best interests, and yours.
It is a pretty fucked up way of getting what you want, but lots of people do it, and it is incredibly effective.
If you use this technique well, you can have control of every aspect of her life without her even knowing what happened.
Secret 2: Pigeonholing
Nobody likes to be thought of as weird, especially not women.
To put someone in a pigeonhole means to label them as something, e.g., unusual, weird, odd.
This technique will allow you to influence her behavior, either to get her to do something you want or not do it.
If she’s doing something you don’t like, say something like:
“Stop doing that. It’s really weird.”
“That’s such an odd thing to do. It’s unnatural.”
“Wow, I thought only weird people did that.”
“You’re a weirdo. It’s not normal behavior.”
Now, take a brief pause, letting your comment sink in.
Then throw out a question like “Are you unnatural or weird?”
Don’t say anything else. Let her think it over. She’ll probably be really uncomfortable. Now you can order her to do whatever you want as she will be compliant.
Secret 3: Verbal Abuse
This is an extreme technique. It’s only for advanced manipulators.
You may well feel uncomfortable with this one, but if you have the cojones to use it, you’ll reap the rewards.
Imagine you’ve been dating a beautiful girl, but suddenly she cuts you off…
No phone calls, no texts. She won’t answer your calls and neither will her friends.
You’re getting the cold shoulder.
Using a Dark Triad technique, you can assert yourself and get her attention…
Text her with just one word:
OMG. WTF? Can you imagine what her reaction will be to that…
…especially if you’ve been a really nice guy up until now.
It’ll make her question everything.
She’s probably going to go bat-shit crazy. Either that or completely hysterical thinking that she’s really upset you.
Either way, she’s going to be questioning herself, and you’ll get some kind of reaction from her.
And any kind of reaction is better than none.
So, wait for the reply. And when it comes, just carry one as if everything is normal. Be nice to her, don’t even mention the insult. If she keeps going on about it, just ignore her and pretend everything was just as it was before.
Believe it or not, this will make her far more interested in you.
What you’ve done is used part of the Shogun Method to develop intrigue by using a Pattern Interrupt.
This puts the female mind into overdrive, trying to work you out. Trying to understand you. Thinking about you non-stop. It’s like you’ve made her infatuated with you, whereas before she was showing no interest.
And that interest won’t wane. Although she may not admit it, she’ll be quite excited about the fact that you’re unpredictable. It adds to the mystery, and women LOVE mystery.
In fact, for the same reason, most women love being treated a bit rough verbally now and then. So, grow a pair and give it a go. She’ll either lap it up or tell you to get lost, either way you’ve got nothing to lose!
Boil That Frog…
Everything we’ve talked about so far will make you a Casanova with the ladies. But, a word of caution…
…you can’t just turn these traits on all at once.
Trust me; it won’t work if you try.
If you suddenly change your behavior, the alarm bells will ring in her head. She’ll get suspicious, think you’ve lost your mind, or she’ll just flat out tell you to go away.
Instead, do things the right way. Boil that frog…
…what do I mean by that?
Maybe you’ve heard it before, but the best way to boil a frog isn’t just to chuck them into a pan of boiling water. Oh no. They’ll get burned and jump out screaming. The best way is to put them in a pan full of cold water, then turn up the flame slowly under them. They won’t notice the heat rising until it’s too late.
And so, it’s the same with the Dark Triad methods.
Turn up the heat slowly.
Think of women like frogs. You don’t want them screaming and running away. You want to gradually get them caught in a situation where they lose control. Eventually, it’s too late and they’re trapped forever. They may realize the water has got too hot, but by that time it’s too late.
The technique I’m about to teach you is perfect to start off with. It will warm them up slowly and start turning them into the perfect, compliant, respectful little angel you want them to be.
By the time you’ve finished with this one, you can ramp it up to use the 3 secrets mentioned above, and she won’t be able to do anything about it.
How to Turn a Dragon into Your Little Kitten
Women that rule the roost are dragons. They become ferocious. Their attitude is bad. They have no respect for male dominance.
As mentioned earlier, today’s soft way of thinking has turned most households into a dragon’s lair.
This technique will go to work making your woman more compliant and accepting of your dominance.
It’s called “Fractionation.”
It’s a form of mind control that seduces women into being a perfect little kitten, willing to do anything you desire.
It will help you to get rid of her bad personality traits and replace it with adorable, submissive ones.
What will happen when you’re done with it? Let me spell it out for you:
- You’ll be in charge
- She’ll be willing to do anything you ask
- You can decide what decisions she can make by herself, if any
- She will ask respectfully when she wants something
- You’ll be free of her unreasonable requests
- She’ll become completely transparent, no more mind games from her
- You’ll be a God in her eyes and will be almost infallible
- She’ll be obedient, submissive, respectful and she will actually enjoy her new role
These are all the ingredients of a happy, lasting relationship. Believe me, I’ve seen it happen so many times, a bad relationship turns good as soon as the woman has been fractionated.
So just one question remains…
… are you willing to do what it takes to get this perfect relationship?
If you are, then take the logical next step and dive deep into the world of Mind Control seduction… learn how to seduce (and enslave) a woman using Fractionation.
To watch an online Masterclass to do just that, click here.